Sleeve Gastrectomy

Advances in Weight-Loss Surgery

Sleeve Gastrectomy, or gastric sleeve, is one option when choosing weight-loss surgery. Choosing a surgery involves careful discussion and consideration between you and your doctor concerning your weight-loss goals and specific health needs.

What Is Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

This procedure involves removing approximately 75 percent of the stomach, leaving you with a narrow gastric “sleeve.” The end result greatly reduces the size of your stomach, causing what is known as a restrictive effect.

Essentially, by creating a smaller stomach, sleeve gastrectomy limits the amount of food that can be eaten at each sitting. Unlike traditional gastric bypass, this process does not cause decreased absorption of nutrients, nor does it change the digestive process to bypass your intestines.

Pros and Cons of Sleeve Gastrectomy


  • Can be performed laparoscopically, requiring only small incisions
  • Shorter procedure with a shorter hospital stay than traditional gastric bypass
  • Typically greater weight loss than adjustable gastric band surgery


  • Higher risk of complications than adjustable gastric band, but lower than gastric bypass
  • Procedure is not reversible
Weight loss surgery may be an option for adults with a body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 40, or equal to or greater than 35 with serious health problems related to obesity. Weight loss surgery is considered safe, but like any surgery, it does have risks. Consult with your physician about the risks and benefits of weight loss surgery.

Find a Bariatric Surgeon

To understand more about gastric sleeve surgery at Saint Vincent Hospital, connect with a weight-loss specialist today.